Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Today was such a good day. My wonderful husband took the night shift last night so that I could get a full nights sleep. I felt like a million bucks! The world just seems brighter and happier all around. Even Lilah found her happy place for a few hours. As a result, I took advantage of my not so sleepy state and took some pictures of my girls. This one is my favorite :) These little people are my whole world. They love each other so much and I love them so much....I'm just feeling the love today. *birds chirping*

Hailey was playing Just Dance and took a break for this photo shoot.

We have a Korean all in one washer dryer unit. It's a nice idea since it saves space and all that but it's a horrible piece of junk that I loath from the deepest parts of my heart. Not only does the contraption take 7 hours to wash and dry one load, but it doesn't even dry them completely. My clothes always come out damp and I end up having to hang dry them. Rather than huff and puff and whine about the stupid piece of junky washer/dryer thingy, I decided to channel the 50's housewife in me and get a drying rack. These are some pictures of Hailey helping me hang dry Lilah's diapers.

