Monday, May 23, 2011

Confession of a real mom

As I was getting out of bed this morning I noticed a stain of some kind on my bedsheets. I leaned down closer and realized that it was a smudge of baby poop. I have no idea how long its been there, nor do I really care. What did I do about it? Absolut-lafreaking nothing. I tossed the covers over the stain and went about my normal daily business, which consists of rocking my screaming colicky baby for 5 hours until she falls asleep from exhaustion. Only then do I realize what I had done this morning. What did I do about it, you ask again? Nothing, of course. I haven't gotten more than two hours of sleep in the last three nights and the last thing in the world I want to do is laundry. What I did do was curl my sleep deprived body up into those poop-stained sheets and took a nap.

1 comment:

  1. Been there. Bought the T-shirt, coffee mug, shot glass, and commemorative post card set.

