Monday, November 21, 2011

Thailand - Day two

On day two we hiked to a water fall called Khlong Phlu. The water fall was neat and swimming in the it was refreshing but the most fun was getting to the water fall. We decided to walk the 3-4ish miles to the base rather than take a taxi and walk the mile there. I'm glad we did because we wouldn't have seem some of these cool things had we taken a taxi.

We walked by a sap collecting farm of some kind. Instead of sticking a metal straw in the side of the tree they carve a spiral around the bottom of the tree creating a road for is to slowly drip down. I'm not sure what they use it for but we'll ask someone before we leave.

Poor Hailey had the heeby-jeebies after looking at this spider. It was wonderfully disgusting.

Another elephant! Only this time, it was a baby one.


We stopped and bought some lunch. Yum-O!

It was defiantly Tarzan territory. I HAD to start singing the George of the Jungle theme song, I couldn't help it.

We stopped to finish our lunch. Lilah loved her Pineapple.

We made it!!

TJ and Hailey swam for a bit while I stayed with the baby.

Then it was my turn but I really didn't want to jump in...I did though and it felt great!

Once we were done we headed back down and took a cab back to the hotel where we ate lunch, watched Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and just relaxed.

She pulled herself up all on her own.

Big helper.

Snuggle time
We wore poor Lilah out. She crashed.

TJ busting some moves in his new Kun Fu outfit. He's so cute!

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