Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Don't judge the sleep deprived

Being sleep deprived really sucks. I mean really. But if I can't laugh about my situation then I'd go crazy, just ask my husband. Unfortunately for poor little Lilah, I get my giggles out on her. She IS the one that keeps me smelly and sleepy so it's only fair....right?

Meet "silly bellybutton." Hailey named it, can you tell? She came to us a few weeks after Lilah was born and she's growing like a weed.

She can be many things. A doctor for instance.

BTW - This was taken at about 3 weeks. Scroll down for the new and improved fat girl Silly Belly Button.

BAM! She doubled in size. And she's cold and naked. Hailey thought she needed clothes.....

So we put some on her....

Don't judge me! I can't be held accountable for what I do when I'm functioning on little to no sleep!

FYI - Lilah is perfectly healthy. It's just a herniated belly button. The doctors said that it should go away by the time she's two. Nothing to worry about for me. Lilah on the other hand has much to worry about. She has a crazy, sleep deprived mother that has absolutely no problem posting this on the internet for future boyfriends to read. Once on the internet, always in the internet...poor kid.

1 comment:

  1. It's only fair. Mothers get very little payback...lol.

