Monday, August 30, 2010

Schmid 2.1

I forgot to mention another end of the summer adventure TJ and I have started. I'm knocked up! Schmid 2.1 is in the oven. So far i'm feeling somewhat okay (knock on wood). I started feeling nauseous yesterday, about 5 minutes after telling a friend how good I was feeling (that's what I get for not knocking on wood). Other than soreness in certain areas that shall remain nameless (it rhymes with foobs), severe exhaustion, and constant nausea, I feel great when I compaire it to my pregnancy with Hailey. My due date is April 22 2011 and i'm around the 6-7 week mark. Schmid 2.1 is around the size of a sweet pea so long as there is only one....


  1. hahaha i love you! what do you mean you're not a good writer?? keep writing! i love it.

  2. WOOT WOOT! Congratulations Karen...and TJ...and Hailey:)

